Subject Mapping

Faculty :
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Subject :
Mapping Subject :
CodeNameMapping Subject CodeMapping Subject Code
BUPH 11013 (C) Philosophical Background in India BUPH 12023 (C) Buddhist Philosophy - Fundamental Teachings
BPCL 11013 (C) Introduction to Buddhist Psychology BPCL 12023 (C) Principles of Buddhist Psychology
BUCU 11013 (C) Historical Background of Buddhist Culture BUCU 12023 (C) Fundamental of Buddhist Culture
BUSW 11013 (C) Introduction to Buddhist Social Work BUSW 12023 (C) Buddhist Social Work Methods
ARCH 11013 (C) Introduction to Archaeology ARCH 12023 (C) History of Archaeology
REST 11013 (C) Introduction to Religious Studies REST 12023 (C) Introduction to Philosophy
BUCL 11002 Principles of Buddhist Psychotherapy BUCL 12002 (C) Counselling Techniques and Skills
PALI 11013 (C) Pali Writing and Communicative Tradition PALI 12023 (C) Content of Pali Lictreure
SINH 11013 (C) Introduction to Language SINH 12023 (C) Introduction to Sinhala Literature
ENGL 11013 (C) Advanced Reading and Writing Skills ENGL 12023 (C) Introduction to Literary Criticism
FREN 11013 (C) French Language and Culture I FREN 12023 (C) French Grammar and Vocabulary I
HIND 11013 (C) Introduction to Hindi Language and Culture I HIND 12023 (C) Hindi Grammar and Language I
KORE 11013 (C) Introduction to Korean Language and Culture KORE 12023 (C) Korean Grammar and Vocabulary I
JPNL 11013 (C) Japanese Syllabus and Basic Grammar I JPNL 12023 (C) Japanese Syllabus and Basic Grammar II
TAMI 11013 (C) Tamil Grammar and Advanced Tamil Writing I TAMI 12023 (C) Tamil Grammar and Advanced Tamil Writing II
CHIN 11013 (C) Introduction to Chinese Phonetics and Writing System CHIN 12023 (C) Vocabulary and Grammar I
ELTC 11003 (C) Language Competency ELTC 12003 (C) Structure of English
SANS 11013 (C) Introduction to Sanskrit Language SANS 12023 (C) Introduction to Sanskrit Literature
DELT 11003 Compulsory English DELT 12003 Compulsory English
ENGL 11003 Preliminary Course in English ENGL 12003 Preliminary Course in English
ENGL 11303 (O) Basics of Literary Interpretation ENGL 12313 (O) Study Skills and Training
BUPH 12023 (C) Buddhist Philosophy - Fundamental Teachings BUPH 21033 (C) Theravada Traditions
BUPH 12023 (C) Buddhist Philosophy - Fundamental Teachings BUPH 21043 (C) Schools of Buddhist Philosophy
BPCL 12023 (C) Principles of Buddhist Psychology BPCL 21033 (C) Western Counselling Theories and Techniques
BPCL 12023 (C) Principles of Buddhist Psychology BPCL 21043 (C) Buddhist Meditation and Therapeutic Usage
BUCU 12023 (C) Fundamental of Buddhist Culture BUCU 21033 (C) Sri Lankan Buddhist Tradition
BUCU 12023 (C) Fundamental of Buddhist Culture BUCU 21043 (C) Buddhist Social Institutions
BUSW 12023 (C) Buddhist Social Work Methods BUSW 21033 (C) Understanding Contemporary Social Issues
BUSW 12023 (C) Buddhist Social Work Methods BUSW 21043 (C) Understanding Human Behavior through Buddhist Perspectives
REST 12023 (C) Introduction to Philosophy REST 21033 (C) Western Religion
REST 12023 (C) Introduction to Philosophy REST 21043 (C) Prescribed Religious Texts
ARCH 12023 (C) History of Archaeology ARCH 21033 (C) Theories, Methods and Practice in Archaeology
ARCH 12023 (C) History of Archaeology ARCH 21043 (C) Buddhist Art in South Asia
PALI 12023 (C) Content of Pali Lictreure PALI 21033 (C) Study of Pali Sources I - Philosophical Concepts
PALI 12023 (C) Content of Pali Lictreure PALI 21043 (C) Religious Usage of Pali Language
SINH 12023 (C) Introduction to Sinhala Literature SINH 21033 (C) Classical Sinhala Prose Literature
SINH 12023 (C) Introduction to Sinhala Literature SINH 21043 (C) Modern Sinhala Prose Literature
ENGL 12023 (C) Introduction to Literary Criticism ENGL 21033 (C) The Evolution of English Literature
ENGL 12023 (C) Introduction to Literary Criticism ENGL 21043 (C) Introduction to Research Writing
FREN 12023 (C) French Grammar and Vocabulary I FREN 21033 (C) Comprehension and Composition I
FREN 12023 (C) French Grammar and Vocabulary I FREN 21043 (C) Writing and Oral Communication Skills
HIND 12023 (C) Hindi Grammar and Language I HIND 21033 (C) Written Comprehension and Expression I
HIND 12023 (C) Hindi Grammar and Language I HIND 21043 (C) North Indian Culture and Evolvement of Hindi Language
KORE 12023 (C) Korean Grammar and Vocabulary I KORE 21033 (C) Written Comprehension and Oral Expression I
KORE 12023 (C) Korean Grammar and Vocabulary I KORE 21043 (C) General Skills of Translation
JPNL 12023 (C) Japanese Syllabus and Basic Grammar II JPNL 21033 (C) Listening and Oral Communication Skills I
JPNL 12023 (C) Japanese Syllabus and Basic Grammar II JPNL 21043 (C) Japanese Grammar, Vocabulary and Kanji I
TAMI 12023 (C) Tamil Grammar and Advanced Tamil Writing II TAMI 21033 (C) Introduction to Translation I
TAMI 12023 (C) Tamil Grammar and Advanced Tamil Writing II TAMI 21043 (C) Practice of Listening
CHIN 12023 (C) Vocabulary and Grammar I CHIN 21033 (C) Vocabulary and Grammar II
CHIN 12023 (C) Vocabulary and Grammar I CHIN 21043 (C) Composition and Written Communication Skills
ELTC 12003 (C) Structure of English ELTC 21033 (C) Key Concepts in Education and Language Learning
ELTC 12003 (C) Structure of English ELTC 21043 (C) Methods and Approaches in ELT
SANS 12023 (C) Introduction to Sanskrit Literature SANS 21033 (C) Study of Sanskrit Grammar I
SANS 12023 (C) Introduction to Sanskrit Literature SANS 21043 (C) Study of Sanskrit Short Poems (Khandakavya) and Satakakavya
BUPH 21033 (C) Theravada Traditions BUPH 22053 (C) Buddhist Psychology
BUPH 21043 (C) Schools of Buddhist Philosophy BUPH 22063 (C) Buddhist Epistemology
BPCL 21033 (C) Western Counselling Theories and Techniques BPCL 22053 (C) Buddhist Personality Analogists
BPCL 21043 (C) Buddhist Meditation and Therapeutic Usage BPCL 22063 (C) Buddhist Analysis of Mental Disorders
BUCU 21033 (C) Sri Lankan Buddhist Tradition BUCU 22053 (C) Explanation of Theravada Buddhist Culture
BUCU 21043 (C) Buddhist Social Institutions BUCU 22063 (C) Buddhist Aesthetics and Art
BUSW 21033 (C) Understanding Contemporary Social Issues BUSW 22053 (C) Buddhism and Social Case Work and Social Group work
BUSW 21043 (C) Understanding Human Behavior through Buddhist Perspectives BUSW 22063 (C) Intervention Skills - Practice Lab
REST 21033 (C) Western Religion REST 22053 (C) Eastern Religions
REST 21043 (C) Prescribed Religious Texts REST 22063 (C) New Religions and Alternative Religions
ARCH 21033 (C) Theories, Methods and Practice in Archaeology ARCH 22053 (C) Prehistory in Sri Lanka
ARCH 21043 (C) Buddhist Art in South Asia ARCH 22063 (C) Indian History
PALI 21033 (C) Study of Pali Sources I - Philosophical Concepts PALI 22053 (C) Pali exegesis and Criticles Methods
PALI 21043 (C) Religious Usage of Pali Language PALI 22063 (C) History of Pali Literature
SANS 21033 (C) Study of Sanskrit Grammar I SANS 22053 (C) Sanskrit Literature and Inscription of Sri Lanka
SANS 21043 (C) Study of Sanskrit Short Poems (Khandakavya) and Satakakavya SANS 22063 (C) Sanskrit Prose and Campu Literature
SINH 21033 (C) Classical Sinhala Prose Literature SINH 22053 (C) Classical Sinhala Poetic Literature
SINH 21043 (C) Modern Sinhala Prose Literature SINH 22063 (C) Traditional and Contemporary Sinhala Grammar
ENGL 21033 (C) The Evolution of English Literature ENGL 22053 (C) Thematic Concerns of Poetry in Worldwide Literature
ENGL 21043 (C) Introduction to Research Writing ENGL 22063 (C) Making of English and its Structure
FREN 21033 (C) Comprehension and Composition I FREN 22053 (C) French Grammar and Vocabulary II
FREN 21043 (C) Writing and Oral Communication Skills FREN 22063 (C) Introduction to French History and Literature
HIND 21033 (C) Written Comprehension and Expression I HIND 22053 (C) Hindi Grammar and Vocabulary II
HIND 21043 (C) North Indian Culture and Evolvement of Hindi Language HIND 22063 (C) Introduction to Modern Literature and Hindi Poets
KORE 21033 (C) Written Comprehension and Oral Expression I KORE 22053 (C) Korean Grammar and Vocabulary II
KORE 21043 (C) General Skills of Translation KORE 22063 (C) Contemporary Korean Lifestyle
JPNL 21033 (C) Listening and Oral Communication Skills I JPNL 22053 (C) Listening and Oral communication Skills II
JPNL 21043 (C) Japanese Grammar, Vocabulary and Kanji I JPNL 22063 (C) Japanese Grammar, Vocabulary and Kanji II
TAMI 21033 (C) Introduction to Translation I TAMI 22053 (C) Introduction to Translation II
TAMI 21043 (C) Practice of Listening TAMI 22063 (C) Practice of Dhamma Sermon and Presentation I
CHIN 21033 (C) Vocabulary and Grammar II CHIN 22053 (C) Listening and Oral Communication Skills I
CHIN 21043 (C) Composition and Written Communication Skills CHIN 22063 (C) Chinese Culture and Translation I
ELTC 21033 (C) Key Concepts in Education and Language Learning ELTC 22053 (C) Effective Classroom Management
ELTC 21043 (C) Methods and Approaches in ELT ELTC 22063 (C) Teaching English Grammar and Vocabulary